Cold Climate Heat Pump Rebate

All VPPSA member customers are eligible for money back on a cold climate heat pump installed in 2020. Rebate values range from $400 to $800.

How a Cold Climate Heat Pump Works

Heat pumps are versatile and efficient at heating and cooling your home. In the summer, a heat pump will take heat from inside your home and displace it outside, effectively cooling the indoors. In the winter, it will take heat energy from outside (even when it's cold out) and bring it indoors.

Because temperatures in Vermont get so cold in the winter, it is still important to have a backup method of heating your home. How effective your heat pump is at low temperatures depends on the model you choose.


How can I get a cold climate heat pump for my home or business?

Efficiency Vermont has information about contractors and distributors in the area.

I've installed a heat pump. Does it qualify for the VPPSA rebate?

Your heat pump must be on this list to qualify. All models that qualify for the Efficiency Vermont instant discount are eligible for the VPPSA rebate.

After your purchase is complete, submit your completed rebate form and additional documents to VPPSA. We will send you a check for up to $800.

Your municipal electric utility is offering this incentive to meet Vermont's Renewable Energy Standard, which supports utility programs that help customers reduce fossil fuel use from heating and transportation.

How much am I eligible for?

Each outdoor condenser unit is eligible for a rebate and weatherization adder (if applicable).

If you are a customer of a VPPSA member utility and you installed a heat pump in a  building that is not weatherized, you are eligible for $400 per outdoor condenser.

If you are a customer of Barton Village, Village of Johnson, or Village of Orleans and you installed a heat pump in a building that meets VPPSA's weatherization criteria, you are eligible for $800 per outdoor condenser.

If you are a customer of Village of Enosburg Falls, Hardwick Electric Department, Village of Jacksonville, Ludlow Electric Light Department, Lyndonville Electric Department, Morrisville Water & Light, Northfield Electric Department, or Swanton Village and you installed a heat pump in a building that meets VPPSA's weatherization criteria, you are eligible for $500 per outdoor condenser.

Why are some utility customers eligible for higher rebates than others?

A recent report found that several Vermont communities are spending a high portion of household income on energy bills. Three VPPSA utility areas appear high on the energy burden list: Barton Village, Village of Johnson, and Village of Orleans. VPPSA is offering higher incentives to these utility customers who install a cold climate heat pump in a weatherized building as a means to help reduce energy expenses.

How do I qualify for the additional incentive for weatherization?

To qualify, you must submit documentation of one of the following weatherization projects: