
Our Mission

To provide exceptional value to our community-owned utility members through collaboration, advocacy and insights.

Our Mission

To promote, advance, and support public power communities in Vermont and beyond.

About Vermont Public Power Supply Authority

Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) is a joint action agency established by act of the Vermont General Assembly on July 1, 1979 and codified as Title 30 VSA, Chapter 84.

VPPSA’s membership includes several locally owned and democratically run municipal electric utilities in Vermont and the Authority has broad statutory powers that enable it to provide such services as may be required in support of the activities of its member municipal utilities and to market its services to non-member utilities as it deems appropriate. VPPSA is authorized by the State of Vermont to charge sufficient amounts to guarantee recovery of all costs. VPPSA provides its members with a broad spectrum of joint action services such as: power aggregation, financial support, IT support, rate planning support and legislative and regulatory representation. VPPSA is governed by a members’ Board of Directors - the select board, trustees, or commissioners of each municipality appoints its VPPSA Director. In this way, our member board has equal representation, which consists of one director from each municipality.

VPPSA is an instrumentality of the State of Vermont, which primarily means that as a governmental agency, bonds or notes issued by VPPSA are exempt from taxation (subject to IRS rules).