Swanton Village, Inc.

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Swanton Village, Inc.

P.O. Box 279
Swanton, Vermont 05488

P: (802) 868-3397
F: (802) 868-3930



William Sheets
Village Manager

Lynn Paradis
Assistant Village Manager/Controller

Swanton Village is located in the upper northwest corner of Franklin County. Founded in 1888, they formed the Swanton Electric Department soon after in 1894. The Department powers 56-square miles within the Village of Swanton and Towns of Swanton, St. Albans, and Highgate.

Hydro-Electric Generation

The centerpiece of Swanton Electric’s power generation is the Orman Croft Hydroelectric Plant and Dam located along the Missisquoi River in Highgate. The first dam was built in 1797 at Highgate Falls to generate dependable power for the evolving needs of northwest Vermont industries. In 1915, the Village of Swanton was authorized to further develop the Falls and construct the facility that has since held prominence in providing electricity to the citizens of Swanton and Highgate.

Today, the five hydroelectric generators produce 55,382 MWH annually.

Website Resources

Visit the Swanton Electric Department website to find more information including:

  • History of Orman Croft Hydroelectric Plant
  • Application for service
  • Rate information for residential, industrial, and municipal and security lighting