Town of Hardwick Electric Department

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Town of Hardwick Electric Department

P.O. Box 516
Hardwick, Vermont 05843

P: (802) 472-5201
F: (802) 472-6769


Sarah Braese
General Manager

Customer Support

The Town of Hardwick Electric Department (HED) is a non-profit municipal utility governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners and regulated by the Vermont Public Utility Commission (“PUC”). Their proud history of providing electric services began in 1897. HED now serves more than 4,300 customers in eleven towns with roughly 350 miles of transmission and distribution facilities.

Supporting Renewable Energy

In 1912, HED constructed the hydroelectric generating facility in Wolcott. The original dam remains in service and presently generates 10% of their annual power needs. This is a green source of power and combined with other green power investments demonstrates HED’s support of renewable energy efforts throughout Vermont.

Updates & Tips

Please visit the HED website for updates on power outages, electric safety, forms, and online bill pay portal.

Towns Served

  • Hardwick
  • Calais
  • Craftsbury
  • Eden
  • Elmore
  • Greensboro
  • Hyde Park
  • Stannard
  • Walden
  • Woodbury
  • Wolcott

Member Documents