Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department

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Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department

857 Elmore Street
Morrisville, Vermont 05661

P: (802) 888-3348
F: (802) 888-5911


Scott Johnstone

Customer Support

Within the heart of Lamoille County sits the Town of Morristown chartered in 1781. Established in 1895, Morrisville Water & Light serves just over 4,000 customers in 73 square miles across six towns.

Infrastructure & Generation

Morrisville Water & Light maintains 21 miles of transmission and nearly 200 miles of distribution lines. They own and operate three, local hydro-electric plants that produce roughly 20% of their annual power consumption. They pride themselves on constantly upgrading and improving their systems to meet their communities’ growing needs.

Web Resources

Visit the Morrisville Water & Light Department website for a full catalogue of resources including:

  • Terms & conditions
  • Applications and easements
  • Helpful tips
  • Payments