New yard care rebates available to VPPSA member customers
July 1, 2021
For more information: Julia Leopold (802) 884-4488

Waterbury Center, VT- Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) is announcing new yard care rebate offerings to help customers of its municipal electric utility members adopt clean technology. A $25 rebate is available for each electric chainsaw, trimmer, or leaf blower purchased on or after July 1, 2021.
“Electric yard care appliances help clean up your yard and the environment we all share,” said VPPSA Communications Specialist Julia Leopold. “When you recharge, you’re plugging into electricity that’s 94% carbon free. Offering a $25 rebate is our way of encouraging the communities we serve to make climate-friendly yard card purchases.”
VPPSA’s fossil fuel reduction rebate program is in its third year running. Since its inception, VPPSA has helped hundreds of municipal utility customers reduce their carbon footprint by incentivizing electric vehicles, heat pumps, electric bikes, electric lawn mowers, and much more. For more information on rebates and eligibility, visit
About Vermont Public Power Supply Authority
VPPSA provides municipal electric utility members with a broad spectrum of services and solutions, including regulatory assistance, financial planning, and power supply. VPPSA members include Barton Village, Village of Enosburg Falls, Hardwick Electric Department, Village of Jacksonville Electric Company, Village of Johnson Electric Department, Ludlow Electric Light Department, Lyndonville Electric Department, Morrisville Water & Light Department, Town of Northfield Electric Department, Village of Orleans, and Swanton Village Electric Department.